Sunday, May 15, 2011

Facebook: PR campaign against rivals Google revealed

The competition between the IT giants Google and Facebook has been in recent years increasingly harder. The first peak has now been achieved by a published mail traffic. This is about a patch PR campaign, initiated by Facebook against Google.
Google should be confronted with additional privacy concerns

The PR agency Burson-Marsteller tried according to a report by the blogger Chris Soghoian to persuade about privacy issues of Google offer? Social Circle? write. Also, the USA Today written and partly written by ghostwriters supplied with articles.
The information at issue should have been publicly available and should result in the aggregate by a media campaign to start that must confront the responsible end to the U.S. Senate because of a data protection issue rival Google with additional data protection problems. Only after extensive research of? The Daily Best? Facebook could be identified as the initiator of the obvious PR campaign.
PR agency Burson-Marsteller regrets approach

Meanwhile, the agency gave at Burson-Marsteller, to regret having accepted the job. While the information should really be publicly available and not reveal the internals of the search engine giants, but had the order does the denunciation of a company.

The company Facebook, however said the report result to the? The Daily Best? That concerns about data security had come up on Google and that trying Google, Facebook information into suitable to integrate services, was met with resentment. As this opinion shows, they are on Facebook that is indeed the perpetrator of the failed public relations campaign.


Since the services and supports of the two IT companies in some respects closer to more and more, much inflammable material exists between the competitors. Paradox here that show both companies privacy problems and this, it shows the current case, to the detriment of the respective rivals to use.

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