Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Republicans stick plan, privatize Medicare

Republicans on Wednesday stuck by their plan, the Federal Medicare health insurance to privatise program for older people despite a rebuke of the voters in congressional special election in the State of New York.

"We are not more politicians in Washington refuse the risk for Medicare-the risk is all too real, and the health of our nation is far too important to seniors" Paul Ryan, the Republican Chairman of the House of representatives Budget Committee, said in an Internet video.

Democrats on Tuesday won a seat in Parliament in a district in the State of New York, a traditional Republican stronghold, by the by-elections in a referendum on the plan, pushed to privatize Medicare by Ryan.

Democrats want to drive the presidential plan a public backlash against the Republican 2012 and Congress enabled options such as Republicans on President Barack Obama the unpopular health care bill in the Congressional elections last year.

The Senate, planned the offensive to a vote later Wednesday on the Ryan plan force last month under the leadership of the Republican Parliament adopted.

Republicans ran further efforts to support the plan for the construction of Ryan, warning that fat Act is required to save financial downfall the Medicare.

"We go not to leave", said a senior Republican aide. "We Medicare want to save, while Democrats have it would." That the first words out of the mouth should be from now on: "we" want to save Medicare. "

Republicans recognize that they need to create a better public affair for their plan.

Ryan's proposal would by and by traditional Medicare fee for service and a voucher like system for future pensioners, to buy subsidized coverage from private insurance companies.

Health care has long been a volatile and high-stakes issue in Washington, because it touches all Americans billions of dollars and a crush of specific interests and.

Democrats claim that health care reform signed by Obama stores law last year Medicare billions of dollars in wasteful expenditure in improving the quality of care.


Jennifer Duffy of the Cook political report, a non-partisan publication, the congressional race, tracked said it is "dangerous too much read" in the New York election. "

"Republicans, that it would be foolish to ignore the result," she said. "Medicare is a powerful question, need to attention." "If not tweak Republicans or they better communicate the plan to give Ryan."

In the vote of the Senate on Wednesday, at least three were the 47 Republicans in the 100-member Chamber is expected, that the Demokraten--Senators Scott Brown, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe reject.

As RIPP Bradley Woods said a private company that tracks Congress for institutional investors, that Republicans are standing firm as "enough of them understand that the system is broken, and they take this as the best alternative."

It remains unclear how the final 2012 Republican presidential candidate will include the Ryan plan. A Republican hopeful, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the radical called but then fire as, in his criticism.

Representative Steve Israel, head of the democratic House Campaign Committee, mocked the Republican attempt to support for the plan.

Israel "If Republicans want to finance tax cuts for big oil on their effort, Medicare end double, do it at your own risk," said Reuters.

Israel said that Democrats 97 Republican occupied House districts want to what more democratic friendly as the District of New York. 61 House include Republicans in districts of Obama in the year 2008 won.

"I'm not saying that we can win them all, but I say there are 97 Republicans who lost sleep last night", Israel said.

Israel beat Republican criticism that refuse Democrats, also address Medicare provide financial. It is faced with increasing financial pressure from rising health costs and an aging baby boom generations.

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