Pop star Britney Spears (29) has launched its new world tour "Femme Fatale" in Sacramento, California in the United States. A bombastic and sexy outfits were, as always guaranteed: Spears moved nine times the costume.
At least in places they should have sung it live too - often the pop princess sings karaoke to in the elaborate dance choreography is not too out of breath. Critics praised the show, and Spears on Twitter, wrote after the concert, she could not sleep, because they always have so much adrenaline in the blood.
Before the tour opener Spears had received support from a pop star and actor Justin Timberlake (30): He was defending his girlfriend against malicious reviews on the internet. "What's that anonymous online happens annoys me People think they can say anything I would like to see how the people that Britney criticize online, tell her in the face -.. That they can not fact," said the heartthrob of the U.S. men's magazine "Playboy".
Spears' dance style from earlier videos like "I'm Slave 4 U" and "Me Against the Music" is on the Internet compared to part with their mischievous today's performances. With 30 years one could not just move more like a 20, her ex-boyfriend said so. Timberlake is in the comedy "Bad Teacher", on 23 June starts in German cinemas to see on the side of another ex-girlfriend
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